Fly With Kunhadi and Bankers
Kunhadi and Bankers assurance offer you the chance to win a trip to Europe if you drive safely for one year!
In the purpose of promoting youth road safety awareness and encourage the youth to drive carefully, Fly with Kunhadi and Bankers will reward Bankers insured individuals aged between 18 and 27 years, with a chance to win one of three trips offered by Bankers.
- Policyholders (of a Motor All Risk Insurance policy) aged 18 to 27
- Insured under Motor All Risk policies issued between 1-Oct-2013 and 31-Dec-2013.
- Not involved in a car crash over a year
Each of the three prizes consists of a round trip airplane ticket for two persons worth USD 1,400.
“Get in your car, get off board in France!”