Youth Awarness on ROAD SAFETY!



Crossing The Road Safely Is Everybody 's Right

Pedestrians are the most vulnerable road users and part of your responsibility as a driver is to not threat their safety.

But crashes involving pedestrians due to the disrespect of road crossing rules constitute 10% of the total number of crashes in 2011 (4447), according to the ISF.

The solution is simple: use the pedestrian safe crossing.

The safe crossing is a designate place on the road, marked with white stripes, for pedestrians to cross safely from one side to another. It is intended to keep both pedestrians AND drivers safe and both ought to respect it.

As a driver:
- Slow down when you’re in the proximity of a pedestrian crossing
- Stop your car before the white stripes and traffic lights
- Keep the traffic light in your field of view and respect it
- Allow the pedestrians to cross the road in a straight line without them having to zigzag around cars risking their safety.
- Do NOT PARK on the white lines

As a pedestrian:
- Do not make any sudden move on the road. Allow the drivers to know when and where to expect pedestrians
- Do not cross the road on any point EXCEPT on the zebra lines
- Only cross the road on the safe crossing when the pedestrian light is green.

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