Kunhaid new video tip about pedestrian safe crossing
To this day, the wider majority of road users in Lebanon remain unaware of the significance of the white stripes on the road designating the Pedestrian Safe Crossings, where pedestrians -as per the Lebanese New Traffic Law- have the right to cross the road safe from the hazard of moving cars.
In an initiative funded by the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, Kunhadi produced its 40th short animated video tip, explaining that the white lines are specified for pedestrians and that when the traffic light turns red, drivers must stop their cars before the white lines (opposite to parking on top of them or even after them, as it is accustomed in Lebanon).
The video also explains that in addition to allowing pedestrians to cross the road safely, respecting this rule keeps traffic signals in the driver’s field of view, making it easier to see the light turning green, and therefore preventing delays caused by the inability to see the change in the signals when drivers are parked on or after the white lines.
The video that ran on social media and in ABC Grand Cinema theaters in Dbaye and Achrafiye during the holiday seasons, caught the attention of Score TV who joined in the initiative and played the informative video on more than 500 screens in over 50 key supermarket chains in Lebanon.