Youth Awarness on ROAD SAFETY!

Road Safety News

Road Safety News

Kunhadi Honored during Dhour Chweir Cars Festival

Following the invitation of the Previous Minister of Education H.E. Elias Abou Saab, Kunhadi participated in the Cars Festivals in Dhour Chweir on August 13.

Festivals visitors stopped by Kunhadi stand to learn about different road signs and know more about the effect of alcohol on a person’s perception and reaction time. Visitors also learned how to estimate their blood alcohol concentration level, in order to avoid driving with a b.a.c. level exceeding the legal limit.

At the conclusion of the festival, H.E. Abou Saab honored Kunhadi with an award of appreciation for its relentless effort to save young road users.

To shed light on the importance of improving road safety in Lebanon, 650 candles were lit to represent the number of lives we lose on Lebanon’s roads every year.

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